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IRKOM studies the global strategies of Korean companies
with the objective of uncovering the management model that my be unique to Korean companies.


Institute for Research in Korean Management (IRKOM) Opening Ceremony was held on January 8, 2024

date 2024-03-19    view 57

[IRKOM begins research on “The Korean-style Corporate Management Model” under the guidance of Prof. Donghoon Kim]



At the opening ceremony of the Institute for Research in Korean Management held on January 8, the participants agreed to advance systematic and in-depth research on the global management models of Korean companies based on a fund of KRW 5 billion contributed by F&F Group Chairman Chang-soo Kim.


Yonsei University Professor Donghoon Kim was appointed as the founding director of the institute. Currently serving also as Senior Vice President for Administration and Development at Yonsei University, he is an expert in this field. He said, "Korean companies have created completely new values by combining profound insights into the global market with Korean sentiments," and expressed his ambition to "identify, standardize, and instantiate the success factors and characteristics of Korean companies in depth, so that people can learn from them not only in academic settings but also at real-life global management sites."


He added that the IRCOM plans to conduct various projects, such as research, academic exchanges, publications, education, and consultations about Korean corporate management models, with professors from diverse disciplines, and to study the global success strategies of Korean companies in order to make the results available for active use at business management education sites by domestic and international companies and educational institutions, as well as to contribute to providing directions to companies aspiring to enter the global market.


Systematic research based on half a century of know-how and experience under the theme of the "Korean Corporate Management (K-Management) Model"

Based on the theme of the "Korean Corporate Management (K-Management) Model," the institute, under the guidance of Professor Donghoon Kim, plans to conduct research on the differentiated success factors of Korean companies from long-term and convergent perspectives. This is how we will support Korean companies to achieve greater performance in terms of global management.


"Let the success of Korean companies shine in both theory and practice"

At the opening ceremony, Professor Kim said, "Despite the fact that many Korean companies are highly regarded on the world stage, there has not been sufficient research and education on the subject. We will tell the success stories of Korean companies to a wider audience through systematic and in-depth research on “Korean corporate management models.” In this process, we will create knowledge that can be put to good use in academic and industrial settings."



Photo caption: At the opening ceremony held on January 8, F&F Chairman Kim Chang-soo (fifth from left) and Yonsei University President Seoung Hwan Suh (sixth from left), and IRKOM Founding Director Donghoon Kim (second from right) pose for a commemorative photo in front of the signboard of the institute.

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